Executive committee

Steve Sockolov


Jack Anderson

Founder & Past President

Cheryl Markuse Arenson


Kevin Pursglove


Jeff Bayer

Vice President Communications

Andrew Shapiro

Vice President Communications

Robin Graham

Vice President, Administration

Robert Arenson

Vice President Programming

Andy Dolich

Vice President Programming

Don Collins

Vice President Scholarships

Northern California Jewish Sports Hall of Fame

Board of Directors

Sheila Ash

Roland Au

Bill Black

Rabbi Mark Bloom

Lina Broydo

Marc Christensen

Mervyn Danker

Andrea DeGraff

Peter Dwares

Aimee Ellis

Leland Faust

John Gerson

J. Randy Gordon

Joel Hausman

Gene Kaufman

Robert Kaufman

Hon. Quentin L. Kopp

Clyde Leland

Robert Mansbach

Barbara Oseroff

Pamela Rand

Lee Sankowich

Allan Schuman

Sunny Schwartz

Gaye Seiler

Mark Seiler

Robert Sockolov

Adam Swig

Irving Zaretsky

Stuart Seiler z”l

Ernie Wiener z”l

Northern California Jewish Sports Hall of Fame, NCJSHOF, Hall of Fame Oshman Family JCC